Welcome to the SDSU Library WordPress Multisite

The library WPMS is available to serve the web needs for Academic Affairs departments and faculty. Info on free student web hosting can be found on What’s the Host and Quora.

Do you need a website? WPMS is the option for you. We maintain the back-end so you can simply focus on your content.

What does WPMS offer?

  • An ATI (Accessibility Technology Initiative) compliant template with SDSU branding to keep you compliant.
  • Forced HTTPS for the security you deserve.
  • We maintain the back-end for you. You do not need to worry about update requirements, backups, spam, or security. We got you covered.


  • Do not ask for or post personal information or protected data, such as SS#, CC#, DL#, Red or Black ID, password, birthdate, address, schedule, grades, transcript, gender, race, ethnicity, marital status, photograph, etc. You must maintain FERPA compliance and SDSU’s Data Classification and Handling Policies. The library does not assume responsibility for securing this information.
  • Do not promote a business, sell products or services, or use ads. No commerce or payment portals.
  • Do not collect emails. No email lists or mass emailing.
  • Do not upload large files for download, such as file repositories. WPMS is not designed for this. Please read our article on Uploading Large Files for more info.
  • Although we do offer an ATI compliant template, you are responsible for keeping your content in compliance with the ADA section 508 web-based accessibility guidelines, such as adding ALT text to your images.

Getting Started

  1. Choose a website name and check to see if it is available.
  2. Request your site.